1.1 billion people a glass of clean water represents
unaffordable luxury. The plain facts are that over 2.2
million children die every year of diseases they pick up
from dirty water. This is 6,000 children a day - dying
of something as preventable and treatable as diarrhoea.
Can you tolerate this?
It doesn't
have to be that way. Watch
our video highlighting the problem or log on to
www.worldvision.org.uk/water to find out more.
How can you
help? The more people there are who choose not to put up
with a world where a third of all people lack basic
sanitation, the sooner change happens. You can make a
difference - to one life, one child, one family.
Together, we can make great things happen.
World Vision UK
World Vision UK is a
registered charity no 285908, a company limited by
guarantee and registered in England no. 1675552. |