Has The Time Come For Christians To Be More Assertive?
Sir Iqbal Sacranie, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, has
said that he wishes to see Muhammad protected from insult or disrespect.
Interestingly, he did not make this remark in the context of the current furore
over the Danish cartoons of Muhammad. He said it much earlier, in a debate on
BBC Radio 4’s The Moral Maze on the subject of legislation to ban incitement
to religious hatred. Sacranie’s hope was that the new law once passed would be
used to protect Muhammad from any negative criticism.
Sacranie was greatly disappointed with the form in which the religious hatred
bill was eventually passed on 31st January, and complained of injustice and
impediments to the promotion of a cohesive and harmonious society in Britain.
However, he may soon find his hopes for the protection of Muhammad are fulfilled
in the wake of the international response to the
Danish cartoons of the Islamic prophet, a response which appears to have been
not only orchestrated but deliberately aggravated.
The worldwide responses to the cartoons have raised two questions.
(1) Why are Muslims, even “moderate” Muslims, so passionate in the defence of Muhammad from any kind of slight?
(2) Why do British politicians and church leaders feel the need to tread so
delicately around Muslim sensibilities?
The answer to the first question lies in the veneration of Muhammad. This is a
paradoxical aspect of Islam, which in theory affirms the believer’s direct
access to God without the need for any intercessor. Accordingly, Muhammad should
be viewed by Muslims as simply a human channel for God’s
revelation. In practice, however, Muhammad’s figure towers over Islam not just
as its founder, but as the “perfect man” who was divinely inspired not only
in his Qur’anic revelations, but in all his sayings and deeds. He is
considered infallible, free from sin, and serves as the supreme example which
all Muslims are obliged to emulate in every small detail.
Muhammad is also seen as the intercessor with God who can change the divine
decrees and admit those he intercedes for into paradise. Love for Muhammad (and
his family) is deeply inculcated into most Muslim children. Many Muslims,
especially in the Indian subcontinent, hold that Muhammad was created from an
eternal heavenly substance (Muhammadan light) that pre-existed with God. He is a
logos-like figure similar to Christ – a sinless saviour, mediator and
A main concern of Muslims is the person of Muhammad who must be protected from
any criticism or slight. Protecting his honour is an obligation on all. Any
suspected denigration of Muhammad immediately creates disturbances and riots in
many Muslim countries and communities, more so than blasphemy against Allah
The antipathy towards pictures of Muhammad stems from several of his own
comments, as recorded in traditions which Muslims call hadith. An example is his
statement that “angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or a
picture” (Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 5.338). However, this has not been
taken as an absolute prohibition in all kinds of Islam at all times, as witness
the numerous examples of Muslim paintings of Muhammad in earlier centuries.
Many Muslims have vocalised their outrage that the Danish cartoons could be
interpreted as suggesting that Muhammad was a “terrorist”. Here too is a
paradox. For these Muslims seek to portray Muhammad as a Jesus-figure, a
peace-maker and channel of God’s mercy, motivated by a profound love for
humanity, who treated his enemies with forbearance, even kindness. They say that
Muhammad (himself) never killed anyone. Yet Muhammad was a general who led his
army in wars of conquest against non-Muslims, and under whom brutalities were
committed against some of his opponents. His words
and example are cited by the most militant of Muslims today as the justification
for their violence which others would call terrorism.
The second question concerns the reason for the special treatment of Muslims, in
contrast to that of other groups. Ask a British politician or church leader why
they feel Muslim feelings should be protected and their reply will probably
include words like “respect”, “sensitivity”, “courtesy” etc. But is
this the real reason? It can be tested by comparing the treatment of Muslim
sensibilities with the treatment of another faith’s sensibilities, say,
Christians. Do the same voices protest against the
numerous shows, artworks and writings which Christians find offensive and
blasphemous? Do they call for Christian feelings to be protected? The answer is
no. The reason for this double standard appears to be not “sensitivity” but
“fear”. Non-Muslim society – including the Church - is afraid of angering
Muslims because of what they might do in retaliation. And what some of them
might do was clearly seen in the placards carried by
Muslim marchers in Britain last weekend with slogans such as “Massacre those
who insult Islam” or “Whoever insults a prophet kill him.”
The motive of fear also explains the double standards of the Metropolitan Police
during the demonstrations in London against the cartoons. None of those carrying
placards calling for murder or beheading was arrested. Scotland Yard explained
that the decision not to arrest was taken because they feared a riot would have
ensued. They did, however, arrest two other
protestors, who were carrying cartoons of Muhammad. Police said they were
detained to “prevent a breach of the peace”. Evidently they did not fear a
non-Muslim riot, only a Muslim riot.
The police have also shown double standards in their treatment of Christian
evangelists, especially in Muslim areas of the UK. There have been several
incidents where police have intervened to prevent such evangelism, but Islam is
strangely untouched.
Fear could also explain the strangely arrogant attitude of the government
whereby they expect the public to formulate an opinion on the matter of the
cartoons without having actually seen them. Unless fear is invoked as a motive,
this would seem to imply an astonishing lack of respect for the British people,
treating them like children.
As a result of this fear we are on the verge of creating a no-go area in society
which would allow Muslims to dictate the terms on which they will relate to the
rest of the population and ban the discussion of certain subjects. The
suggestion is that there are religious taboos linked to “core identity”
which should be off-limits to others.
At first sight this seems a very generous and compassionate response to a
minority in our midst. Yet it could prove to be the thin end of the wedge. It
could soon be followed by Muslim requests to have the voluntary self-censorship
enshrined in law, by means of new blasphemy legislation to protect Muhammad from
criticism. The thick end of this particular wedge might be laws like those in
Pakistan where since 1991 there has been a
mandatory death penalty for “defiling the name of” Muhammad (Section 295-C
of the Pakistan Penal Code). Furthermore, Muslims might seek a news/debate
black-out on other issues connected with their “core identity” such as the
treatment of women in Islam, honour killings, or the death penalty for
Muslims who convert to another faith. Then these important human rights issues
could no longer be discussed in the UK.
The uneven playing field is a characteristic of Islam. While Muslims rampage in
fury about cartoons of Muhammad, no mention is made of the highly offensive
anti-Christian and anti-Jewish cartoons produced by some Muslims, including
blasphemous depictions of Christ. Contrary to what Jack
Straw has said, there is an open season to vilify Christianity.
A compliant press, an insipid Church and a pusillanimous government – all
three erring on the side of pragmatism – are effectively allowing the playing
field to be tilted in favour of Islam. If ordinary British non-Muslims perceive
this tilt, i.e. that non-Muslim society has in effect submitted to Muslims, a
submission borne of fear, how will they react? Is it possible that the British
National Party will be the beneficiaries,
being viewed as the only true protector of British values and Britain’s
Christian heritage?
Has the time come for Christians to be more assertive and demand their rights,
that is, the freedom to proclaim the Gospel without intimidation even in Muslim
areas of Britain and the withdrawal of material from the public domain which
blasphemes against Christ? Should not the Church speak
out to affirm the continuing importance of Britain’s Judaeo-Christian
heritage? And should we not all remember our history? Appeasement does not
ultimately bring peace.
Dr Patrick Sookhdeo
7 February 2006