The Long Flight
Paddy and Seamus were flying to the U.S.A. in a jumbo jet when
an hour into the flight they heard this message: beep beep "this is your
captain speaking we have just lost one of our four engines. Do not be alarmed
this plane is fully equipped to fly us to America on only three engines but we
will be delayed for 20 minutes"
An hour later they heard beep beep "this is your captain speaking, another
one of the engines have cut out. Do not be alarmed because this plane is fully
equipped to fly to America on only two engines but it means we will be delayed a
further hour" This was fine with Paddy and Seamus and they went to sleep.
An hour later they were awakened by beep beep "this is your captain
speaking we have lost a third of our four engines. Do not be alarmed this plane
is fully equipped to fly to America on only one engine though our total delay
time will be 3 hours 30 minutes" Paddy then turned to Seamus and said
"I hope the other one doesn't go or we'll be up here all night!"