It's Better To Be A Man

Phone conversations last 30 seconds

You know useful stuff about old cars
A 2 week holiday requires only 1 case
Queues for the bathroom are shorter
Friends don't care if you put on weight
You don't have to lug a bag of 'necessary' items with you wherever you go
You can go the bathroom alone
Your surname remains intact for ever
You can leave a hotel bed unmade
Your underwear costs £10 for a pack of 3 
You can shave, shower and dress in 15 minutes
Wedding plans take care of themselves
If someone forgets to invite you for lunch, you can still be their friend
The remote control is all yours
New shoes don't cut, blister or mangle your feet
You can watch a football match in silence without your mate thinking 'he must be angry with me'
Chocolate is good for you.
One mood all the time
3 pairs of shoes is quite sufficient
You can take your shirt off in the garden on a hot day
Grey hair and wrinkles add character
If another man comes to the party in the same outfit, you're mates for life
You don't care if nobody notices you've had your hair cut
You needn't pretend you're freshening up when you go to the bathroom
Car mechanics tell you the truth
You don't decline the sweet trolley and then decide you like the look of someone else's