Excel Register System

Welcome to the Excel Register System.

It was originally created in Microsoft® Access to maintain the register system for a Sunday School of up to 75 young people. It was also used for one of the largest Crusader groups (now known as Urban Saints) in the UK, where the mail merge reports added a touch of professionalism to the communication with both the children and their parents. Most recently I used it to manage the register of my Sunday School group, where the automated games boards proved to be very popular with the young people and encouraged teamwork and discipline.

However, few people have Microsoft® Access these days so from December 2021 I rewrote it in Microsoft® Excel® 365 in my spare time. It may work in other versions of Microsoft® Excel® but I cannot confirm this.

If you are unfamiliar with Microsoft® Excel® there is plenty of online help to get you started or to raise your skill level on particular topics.

It is free to use and largely customisable. It is also ‘open source’ which means that you can view the VBA code plus anyone can see that the code is not going to do anything nasty to your PC.

I have provided a range of Microsoft® Excel® and Mail Merge reports in Microsoft® Word® documents based on what was required elsewhere, but you can create your own and they will be seamlessly included in the list of reports and mail merge documents. If you are feeling really techy you can even create your own games boards to add to the 3 I have provided here.

This User Guide document should tell you everything you need to know to get you started, along with the folders and spreadsheets you will need. I have also prepared a series of videos to get you started:

  1. Getting started
  2. Updating Attendees and attendance
  3. Displaying the Excel reports
  4. Displaying the mail merge reports (not available yet)
  5. Running the game boards (not available yet)

The actual register system is contained in ExcelRegisterSystem.zip.

When you open the register system and navigate around it you will see that I have left sample data in it. This will let you see how the system works and try out the reports and games boards before you overwrite my sample data with your own.